Testors SPAD 13c.1 Post #1

Building the old Testors SPAD 13c.1 Kit for my Cousins' little boy. Not a very good Kit but it will work. The Struts don't fit all that well and the wings are fairly misshaped. I had to make a bench for the Pilot, the Kit has a very narrow bulkhead for the Pilot to sit on and there no margin for error. Get it right or the Pilot falls into the Fuselage. Will be trying to make the prop look like wood , using this as a test bed for a method I have seen a couple places on YouTube.

Finished: The Wings were really not cooperative. The Engineering on the struts was not good, on top of that they wings themselves were warped left to right and top to bottom in multiple spots. It wasn't possible to straighten them out.

Finishing up the Decals. They were over 20 years old and had no issues. 

In progress Paining. Tamiya Olive Drab. 
Primer: Tamiya Fine Primer
Testing the Pilot out. Had to build a bench for it. 


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