Cannons and Details

So the stock kit comes with some OK cannons. I've decided to upgrade mine by sealing up the underside and replacing the barrels with brass rod. Image

I've also been working on the fit issues. There are no tabs or slots on this kit so assembly can be a challenge. I've glued several locator tabs throughout the kit that should make assembly a bit easier. Image

Also i've been working on adding a bit of detail where appropriate. So far I have modified what looks to be thrusters or aux engines and a few other bits. Image

One of the things I really want to do is add a bit of badging to this kit. Thinking about calling it the EDF-Enterprise or EDF-Midway and decal it appropriately.

More to come


Unknown said…
Nice work so far. the EDF ships from Season 2 have always been favorites. Looking forward to seeing more on your carrier.

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